Hey guys,

It’s been a long time since I last blogged lol. I was just busy with school work… But now it’s the holidays so I can blog a bit more. I am planning to post about twice a week in the holidays and maybe 1 time on school days but it depends on how much work I have to do.

So for this blog post, I thought I would just give you some random health tips/amazing facts.

1 Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar… Woah how cool

2 Four out of five doctors don’t get enough exercise…omg

3 The average American eats at McDonalds more than 1,800 times in his/her life.woah

4 Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour. I don’t think I believe this

5 It’s not just coughs and sneezes that spread diseases. One single bacteria cell can multiply to become more than 8 million cells in less than 24 hours. Just imagine what’s on the toilet door handle you just touched, the taps and even on other people’s hands.Pretty scary.

6 Eat less sugary foods and eat fruits!

7  Exercise or move 30 minutes daily at 60-85% your max heart rate. Knowing how to calculate your target heart rate is a must for this.

8 Quit smoking. It is linked to just about every human disease. Learnt this at school too..

9 Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep

10 Don’t over eat just because you exercise

Image result for health quotes

Thanks for reading,

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Love, theawesomev